Graph theory
23 Feb 2018 | AlgorithmGraph
A grah is a collection of points (vertices, nodes) and line (edges, arcs) connectiong some subset of them. G(V,E)
Methods to store a graph
- Adjacency Matrix: a square matrix - Matrix[i][j] = 1 , Matrix[i][j] = 0
- Adjacency List: a collection of unordered list - Vector or List to store adjacency list
Directed and Undirected Graph
Directed = Unidirectional : <– or –>
Undirected = Bidirectional : <—>
Weighted and Unweighted Graph
Weighted Graph: a graph in which a number is assigned to each edge
Unweighted Graph: the weight of all edges are same (presumably 1)
Path: a way of going from one to another.
Degree: degree of vertex is number of edgeds that are connected to it.
- In-degree: the number of edgeds that point to the node
- Out-degree: the number of edgeds the point from the node to other nodes